Export Market Development Grants

The latest round of the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) is open. Reclaim up to 50% of the money you spend on growing your export market.

The application period is relatively short with this round closing on the 5th of July, so don’t hesitate to contact us and get your application moving.

What is the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG)?

This program has undergone a lot of structural changes in recent years. Here’s the latest on what the EMDG is and how it can relate to your overseas activities.  

The EMDG provides a cash refund of up to 50% of eligible export expenses. It is designed to encourage Australian businesses to grow their market offshore.

Included costs cover overseas representation, marketing visits and consultants, trade fairs, inbound overseas buyers, promotional collateral and overseas intellectual property. 

BridgePoint Group’s Export Market Development Grant Expertise

Over the last 12 months BridgePoint Group’s Innovation Advisory service has achieved a 100% success rate in obtaining funding agreements under round one of the new EMDG. All of our funding agreements achieved the maximum grant allocation. 

The application process can be protracted if you are unsure of what information you need to provide. You will need to be registered with Austrade before you can make a claim.. 


Some people believe that they have to be exporting a product to be eligible for the Export Market Development Grant. This is not so. You can also export a service.


If you have any queries around the EMDG please contact Alan Baghdasarayan

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Alan Baghdasarayan
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