The Early Stage Innovation Companies (ESIC) program involves utilising tax advantages that investors can get when a new business is raising capital
This is for companies who are just starting-up and as the name implies, can qualify as both ‘early stage’ and as an ‘innovation company’. Possibly as a result of Covid, we are seeing a surge in applications for this. People appear to be wanting to start their own business and bring investors on board.
The ESIC program involves utilising tax advantages that investors can get when a new business is raising capital.
A lot of people don’t know about this tax incentive and BridgePoint Group can advise them on the process to access ESIC tax benefits.
Attached is a fact sheet regarding the Governments ESIC Program.
If you have any questions or if your business is looking to claim Government incentives regarding research and innovation, please call Alan Baghdasarayan on 0418 957 003 or email alan@bridgepointgroup.com.au