SARS, 9/11, the Bali bombings, the Gulf War and the Boxing Day Tsunami… in his role at Qantas, Geoffrey Askew AM has seen them all! And in our recent Directors’ Briefing, Geoff told participants to get risk onto the agenda. “The Board is responsible for dealing with risk. If it isn’t on the agenda for every Board meeting of every company, then the business is actually at risk.”
Thankfully, most of us don’t have to deal with risks of the magnitude faced by an airline. And it’s comforting to know that even larger organisations are caught by surprise from time to time. However, the message is clear – planning to deal with risk is not optional.
Click here or below to view our SlideShare presentation on the topic.
If you would like more information regarding risk and creating resilience in your business, please reach out to Neil Parker.